
Water Meter Project

Water Meter Change Request

What is the Water Meter Project

ComfortSystems is in the process of making a critical upgrade to our data collection software and corresponding water meters.  All residential and commercial water meters within our network will be replaced.  There is no charge to the customer for this appointment and water meter replacement.

What do I have to do as a Customer?

You can request an appointment for any service that ComfortSystems offers. If you provide access, we will change the meter at that time. If your meter has already been changed, there is nothing left to do. Otherwise you can schedule an appointment using the button above or the QR code on your meter change correspondence.

How do I provide access? 

To provide access, customers can be available for the window appointment (persons at property must be 18+), leave a key hidden, a door open, or provide a lockbox code.  During the appointment the service technician will need access to the water meter.  Please clear a small perimeter roughly 2ft around the water meter or more to allow for a successful appointment.

Where do I find my water meter?

All water meters are located inside the property.  Most are found in the basement or on the lowest level of the property. 

What does a water meter look like?


New Water Meter

Old Water Meter